Monday, November 16, 2015

dc playground dreams

Oh I am longing to do something new in our playground.  I want to give the kids more and some sort of under cover space to get in.  I want to bring in big rocks from the woods and pieces of firewood sized wood for them to move around.  I vow to spend time every day outside this winter and am today composing a letter to parents about how their kids need to come to day care dressed for the weather and let them know they can bring things to leave here and please do!  I do not want to be stuck inside all winter because one child is not dressed for the weather and chose to dress themselves in shorts that day just for the fun of it.  It has happened too many times.  Besides that we need more to do and the woods are just too far to walk to sometimes. 

I was inspired today about children being outside by THIS post on

I love these four little dwellings but seriously number four is about the only one in my budget.  As long as they don't get covered in splinters we're good.  But something needs to be out here for them to get into.  Oh I have such dreams.
Playhouse made from Recycled Doors, Earthscape, Toronto Canada, 2013 | Playscapes This site explains how they built it.:
outdoor playhouse:
Playground Build & Design | Natural Child Play | Earth Wrights Ltd:
These first three pictures were found on pinterest.
This one is from my favorite soulemama.  Click on the pic to be directed.

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